Living at Home

2024-02-14T09:07:16+01:00February 2024|

Mini Galaxy "The lights have names like "Sirius" or "Astrea" and sometimes look like a small solar system and sometimes like colorful soap bubbles. " The poetic and special constellations of unique glass mehr >

Customized Chandelier

2024-04-10T14:56:58+02:00January 2024|

Customized chandelier at private residence. ELOA offers customized canopies for unique constellations for individual interior concepts. At this private residence ELOAs colorful and amorphous set of HAUMEA AMORPH, PLANETOIDE and SEDNA is assembled mehr >

Loft in Berlin

2024-01-25T15:03:18+01:00October 2023|

It is a joy to witness how ELOA's luminaires illuminate these spaces in such enchanting and incomparable ways. The ELOA lights adorn the entire apartment in various locations, with their colors and shapes mehr >

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